

## 站点信息设置(Site Information Settings) |名称|配置类型|备注| |---|---|---| |[设置favicon图标(Favicon settings)](#favicon)|优化配置|| |[设置默认关键字(Default Keywords Settings)](#defaultkeywords)|优化配置|SEO相关| |[rss设置(Rss Settings)](#rss)|优化配置|(待深入研究)| |[建站时间(Site Setup Date Settings)](#setuptime)|基础配置|| |[Canonical标签(Canonical Settings)](#Canonical)|优化配置|(待研究)SEO相关| ### 设置favicon图标(favicon settings)
# Put your favicon.ico into `hexo-site/source/` directory.
favicon: /favicon.ico



  • 如果你是在同一台电脑操作,很可能看不到效果,除非全部清空缓存,建议换一台电脑查看效果。
  • 图标最好是透明底色,效果比较好。
### 设置默认关键字(Default Keywords Settings) ```` # Set default keywords (Use a comma to separate) keywords: "Hexo, NexT" ```` 这里的keywords就是关键字,对SEO优化有比较大的帮助。为什么是“默认”关键字呢?如果你的页面自行设置了关键字,会以页面的为主,如果没有,就会来取这个默认的关键字了。 ### Rss设置(Rss Settings) ```` # Set rss to false to disable feed link. # Leave rss as empty to use site's feed link. # Set rss to specific value if you have burned your feed already. rss: ```` [关于 Rss Feed说明](https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next/wiki/%E6%98%BE%E7%A4%BA-feed-%E9%93%BE%E6%8E%A5)

独立博客的RSS Feed设置主要有以下三个步骤

  1. 烧制:怕墙的用Feedsky,不怕墙的用Feedburner。
  1. 自定义Feed地址;
  2. 替换掉博客中的Feed链接,特别是Header信息。
### 建站时间(Site Setup Date Settings) ```` # Specify the date when the site was setup since: 2016 ```` 修改since后面的数字即可,注意冒号后面有空格。 ### Canonical标签设置(Canonical Settings) ```` # Canonical, set a canonical link tag in your hexo, you could use it for your SEO of blog. # See: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/139066 # Tips: Before you open this tag, remeber set up your URL in hexo _config.yml ( ex. url: http://yourdomain.com ) canonical: true ```` Canonical 标签和SEO相关,这里有[canonical 标签基本介绍](http://www.chinaz.com/web/2011/0630/192530.shtml)

<a name = “menusettings” / >

菜单设置(Menu Settings)


菜单结构(Menu Structure Settings)基础配置
菜单图标(Menu Icons Settings)优化配置
### 菜单结构(Menu Structure Settings) ```` # When running the site in a subdirectory (e.g. domain.tld/blog), remove the leading slash (/archives -> archives) menu: home: / #categories: /categories about: /about #archives: /archives #tags: /tags #schedule: /schedule #commonweal: /404.html #projects: /projects ```` 菜单前加“\#”的是被隐藏的目录,这里的目录对应了相应的页面。前面显示的内容和语言相关。 这里不仅仅可以添加内部页面,还可以添加外部链接。 增加一行百度的链接如下: ```` baidu: http://www.baidu.com ```` 此时你会发现菜单里多了一个按钮“Menu.baidu”,也能打开链接,但是显示的内容不是我们想要的。因为这里显示的文字是根据语言设置显示的,原来的语言设置里没有baidu对应的语言显示,所以就会显示成“Menu.baidu”。在语言文件里按照格式增加一行就可以正常显示了。


菜单图标(Menu Icons Settings)

# Enable/Disable menu icons.
# Icon Mapping:
#   Map a menu item to a specific FontAwesome icon name.
#   Key is the name of menu item and value is the name of FontAwsome icon. Key is case-senstive.
#   When an question mask icon presenting up means that the item has no mapping icon.
  enable: false
  #KeyMapsToMenuItemKey: NameOfTheIconFromFontAwesome
  home: home
  about: user
  categories: th
  schedule: calendar
  tags: tags
  archives: archive
  commonweal: heartbeat


## 风格设置(Scheme Settings) ```` # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Scheme Settings # ---------------------------------------------------------------


#scheme: Muse scheme: Mist #scheme: Pisces

保留***scheme: Mist***即可。

<a name="fontsettings" />
## 字体设置(Font Settings)
|字体设置(Font Settings)||优化配置|待深入研究|


Font Settings

- Find fonts on Google Fonts (https://www.google.com/fonts)

- All fonts set here will have the following styles:

light, light italic, normal, normal intalic, bold, bold italic

- Be aware that setting too much fonts will cause site running slowly

- Introduce in 5.0.1


font: enable: true

Uri of fonts host. E.g. //fonts.googleapis.com (Default)


Global font settings used on element.


external: true will load this font family from host.

external: true family: Lato

Font settings for Headlines (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)

Fallback to global font settings.

headings: external: true family:

Font settings for posts

Fallback to global font settings.

posts: external: true family:

Font settings for Logo

Fallback to global font settings.

The size option use px as unit

logo: external: true family: size:

Font settings for and code blocks.

codes: external: true family: size:

<a name = "sidebarseetings" />
## 侧边栏设置(Sidebar Settings)
|[社交链接设置(Social Links)](#sociallinksandicons)||优化配置||
|[社交链接图标设置(Social Links Icons)](#sociallinksandicons)||优化配置||
|[侧边栏头像设置(Sidebar Avatar)](#sideavatar)||基础配置||
|[侧边栏内容设置(Table Of Contents in the Sidebar)](#sidebarcontents)||优化配置||
|[知识共享证书(Creative Commons 4.0 International License)](#creativecommons)||优化配置||
|[侧边栏位置相关(Sidebar Positions Settings)](#sidebarposition)||优化配置||

<a name= "sociallinksandicons" />
### 社交链接和图标设置(Social Links and Icons Settings)

Social Links

Key is the link label showing to end users.

Value is the target link (E.g. GitHub: https://github.com/iissnan)

social: Github: https://github.com/Wangjunyu


Social Links Icons

Icon Mapping:

Map a menu item to a specific FontAwesome icon name.

Key is the name of the item and value is the name of FontAwsome icon. Key is case-senstive.

When an globe mask icon presenting up means that the item has no mapping icon.

social_icons: enable: false

Icon Mappings.

KeyMapsToSocalItemKey: NameOfTheIconFromFontAwesome

GitHub: github Twitter: twitter Weibo: weibo

注意:可以试一下“enable: false”与“enable: true”的效果差别决定是否适用icon

<a name="sideavatar" />
### 侧边栏头像设置(Sidebar Avatar)

Sidebar Avatar

in theme directory(source/images): /images/avatar.jpg

in site directory(source/uploads): /uploads/avatar.jpg

avatar: http://bkt.clouddn.com/avatar.png


<a name="sidebarcontents" />
### 侧边栏内容设置(Table Of Contents in the Sidebar)

Table Of Contents in the Sidebar

toc: enable: true

Automatically add list number to toc.

number: false

- 是否显示文章的目录结构。如果选择false,文章不会自动生成目录显示。
- 文章的目录结构显示时是否自动添加序号。

这两个功能很实用,而且都是true 或者 false值进行判定。

<a name="creativecommons" />
### 4.0证书(Creative Commons 4.0 International License)

Creative Commons 4.0 International License.


Available: by | by-nc | by-nc-nd | by-nc-sa | by-nd | by-sa | zero

creative_commons: by-nc-sa


NexT 主要提供了[五种方案](https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next/wiki/%E8%AE%BE%E7%BD%AE-Creative-Commons-%E5%8D%8F%E8%AE%AE)根据自己的需要选择一种即可。

<a name="sidebarposition" />
### 侧边栏位置设置(Sidebar Positions Settings)


Sidebar Position, available value: left | right

position: left #position: right

Sidebar Display, available value:

- post expand on posts automatically. Default.

- always expand for all pages automatically

- hide expand only when click on the sidebar toggle icon.

- remove Totally remove sidebar including sidebar toggler.

display: post #display: always #display: hide #display: remove


<a name="blogrolls" />
### 友情链接(Blogrolls)


links_title: 链接 links_layout: block

links_layout: inline

links: CNZZ: https://web.umeng.com 百度统计: http://tongji.baidu.com/ leancloud: https://leancloud.cn Google分析: https://analytics.google.com Next主题配置文档: http://theme-next.iissnan.com/ Hexo官方配置文档: https://hexo.io/docs/ Google Webmaster: https://www.google.com/webmasters/

links_title 后跟的是模块名称
links_layout: block 是否竖排,不然按照行走
links_layout: inline 还没研究明白

<a name = "miscthemesettings" / >
## Misc主题设置(Misc Theme Settings)
|[Logo定制(Custom Logo)](#customlogo)||优化配置|待深入研究|
|[代码高亮主题设置(Code Highlight theme)](#codehighlighttheme)||优化配置||

<a name="customlogo" />
### Logo定制(Custom Logo)

Custom Logo.

!!Only available for Default Scheme currently.


enabled: [true/false] - Replace with specific image

image: url-of-image - Images’s url

custom_logo: enabled: false image:


<a name="codehighlighttheme" />
### 代码高亮主题设置(Code Highlight theme)

Code Highlight theme

Available value:

normal | night | night eighties | night blue | night bright


highlight_theme: night eighties

用于设置 代码高亮的主题,这里提供了五种主题,任选其一即可。

<a name = "thirdpartyservicessettings" />
## 第三方服务设置(Third Party Services Settings)

|Google Webmaster|统计分析||
|Google Analytics|统计分析||
|CNZZ count|统计分析||
|Disqus ShortName|沟通分享||
|Facebook SDK Support|沟通分享||
|Facebook comments plugin|沟通分享||
|MathJax Support|||
|Swiftype Search|搜索|收费|


<a name = "pushtobaidu" />
### 百度提交rul

Enable baidu push so that the blog will push the url to baidu automatically which is very helpful for SEO

baidu_push: true


<a name ="donottouchsettings"  />
## 不要碰的设置

#! ————————————————————— #! DO NOT EDIT THE FOLLOWING SETTINGS #! UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING #! —————————————————————



use_motion: true


fancybox: true

Script Vendors.

Set a CDN address for the vendor you want to customize.

For example

jquery: https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js

Be aware that you should use the same version as internal ones to avoid potential problems.

Please use the https protocol of CDN files when you enable https on your site.


Internal path prefix. Please do not edit it.

_internal: lib

Internal version: 2.1.3


Internal version: 2.1.5

See: http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/

fancybox: fancybox_css:

Internal version: 1.0.6

See: https://github.com/ftlabs/fastclick


Internal version: 1.9.7

See: https://github.com/tuupola/jquery_lazyload


Internal version: 1.2.1

See: http://VelocityJS.org


Internal version: 1.2.1

See: http://VelocityJS.org


Internal version: 0.7.9

See: https://faisalman.github.io/ua-parser-js/


Internal version: 4.4.0

See: http://fontawesome.io/



css: css js: js images: images

Theme version

version: 5.0.2


<blockquote class="blockquote-center">[完](http://blog.junyu.pro)</blockquote>

声明: 本文转载需标明出处,禁止用于商业目的。

## ChangeLog
20161112 新建
20161112 发布